Thanks for asking, great question!
The answer to this question is very subjective.
For brevity, I just took the example of `id` attribute of Person class, but yes this can be extended to its other properties as well.
As for me, I think that whenever a class's property is involved in some kind of critical decision making (i.e. statements inside if and else seem to be radically different based on a property's value), then its a good call to promote that data type to a bounded type.
After all, the point is to reduce the states your code can be in, which usually increases with increase in number of conditional statements, sometimes even exponentially.
If we were to consider your case where a Person's age and name and other factors also need to be considered, we can even make Person an enum class & position the checks for the same in a companion method for creating instance, instead of making custom types for each and every property.